League of Legends Talk

I play a lot of League of Legends. Not as much as some people, but I play a fair amount, a few times a week. I really enjoy the game, I've always had a ton of fun, playing with my friends, and everybody I know plays League of Legends as their main MOBA. There are other great MOBAs out there, but League of Legends is the one I'm addicted to.

However, I realize that a big part of why I'm playing League of Legends and not something else, like say Heroes of Newerth or DOTA 2, is a direct result of the fact that the entire community around me plays League of Legends. My family plays it, my co-workers play it, any new people I meet, if they play MOBAs, I'm pretty much sure to find that they're playing League of Legends. I couldn't say why this might be, but it is a huge factor in why I started playing League of Legends. I keep on playing because the community is there, and it's an exciting game. I'm willing to bet the same kind of community happened to DOTA 2 as well, and Heroes of Newerth. It really helps when you want to play a game that there are others who also want to play near you.

When I first started playing League (League of Legends), I was pretty bad compared to my friends who have been playing for much longer than I have. I ended up doing the support role, had a lot of fun with it, got pretty good with Sona. She got hit with a nerf, and I decided I should learn to do something else, not be just a one-trick pony. I started playing around with other champs, some mages, tanks, just whatever caught my eye. What I ended up really enjoying, was Riven. I had so much fun with her, that I just kept on improving on my ability to play with her. With her, I learned to play top rather decently, my friends didn't have to complain I sucked so bad every game!

Now I'm working on learning to do well with many champions, and I'm having a lot of fun. I hope all of you out there have a great community to enjoy your games with as well, whether it's a giant group, or a tightly-knit set of friends.


  1. Casper, I love you.

  2. Yo, let's have a one on one. I'm the #1 Wu-kong in North America!!!

  3. Pvt.Shitty Titties
