Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition Review

Knights of Pen & Paper is an RPG that gives players an interesting view, where you play as the players of a dice-rolling pen and paper RPG! This fun little game by Paradox Interactive is available now on PC in addition to iOS and Android. If you like turn-based RPGs you'll want to check this out!

The premise of Knights of Pen & Paper is that some friends have gathered together to have a session of a little tabletop role-playing game. There's the dungeon master and 5 players, all ready to enjoy a traditional pen and paper RPG, and you control them all. This take on an RPG gives us a bit of an interesting twist that results in some neat aspects to the game.

As your party goes adventuring across the realm, you'll notice players and the dungeon master chatting OoC (out-of-character). It's kind of funny in my opinion, you're controlling characters that chat on their own, and yet they are the controllers of characters in a game themselves. There is even have a fully customizable room where the game takes place, from the wallpaper and flooring to the furniture! The little unique touches to the game like that make this light RPG great fun to play.

As for the gameplay itself, it's a simple RPG. A band of friends travels across the country doing something heroic. Fights are pretty commonplace, as it's the main focus of the game. Your party will do battle against 1 to 7 enemies, and when it's not an ambush, you can choose who you want to fight, and how many! You do control the dungeon master after all. There are a variety of quests, from escorting, to monster-slaying, to item collecting, but in the end, they are all quests that result in combat. Since fighting is pretty much all there is to do in this game, I find it's best to enjoy it in short bursts of gaming sessions.

The fights are carried out in turn-based combat, with random dice rolls dictating the turn order. Each player can use basic attacks, skills and spells, items, defend, and flee. Each character has an offensive and defense item equipped, and they can be upgraded at a blacksmith. As the characters level up, they gain stats and get stronger, but if you decide you don't like that character anymore you can always just leave them at the local tavern and hire a new friend. Being able to switch out your characters whenever you want is great, especially if you find out your play style doesn't work well with the way you've built your characters.

Knights of Pen & Paper is a cute little game that's a lot of fun, but I dislike the option they've added to buy gold in exchange for real money. While it's very much so possible to buy everything with gold solely by gathering it from doing quests and fighting monsters, I feel the gold income rate is a little low, encouraging the purchase of gold. While it's entirely an optional thing to do, I feel this is a low-blow to players since they have already shelled out money for the game. This is especially true for the PC buyers since the price of the PC version is over 300% higher than the mobile version, and the features of the game are exactly the same.

That said, the port for the game has been done really well. All the features are the same, and they all work perfectly. Knights of Pen & Paper is a great little RPG that's good for killing a little time, and doesn't demand your attention for long periods of time. You can easily go in, fight a single battle, and quit. The combat is well-balanced and reasonably challenging, and has enough depth to it in order to keep it interesting for more than a few fights.


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